Pon no Michi, a new original anime about the daily lives of several high school girls in Hiroshima's Onomichi City...
The upcoming Liar Liar anime adaptation will have its Japanese premiere on July 8th as per their official Twitter account....
According to a rumor Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is receiving an anime adaptation as per a tweet posted by a...
The first trailer for the anime adaptation of Am I Actually the Strongest? (Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyō deshita?) has been...
Araki Joh's manga "Bartender" is being adapted into an anime series titled "Bartender God's Glass" The official release date is April...
TV Anime Adaption confirmed for Romcom Manga "Orokana Tenshi wa Akuma no odoru" (Stupid Angel dances with the Devil) by...
Toei Animation has announced Girls Band Cry, a new original anime project. A teaser video with a guitarist and a...
A live-action adaptation of Tatsuki Fujimoto's Chainsaw Man has surfaced online, but it is not what anime fans expected it...
The latest Billboard Japan Hot 100 Chart has been released, and YOASOBI's "Idol," the opening theme song for the Spring...
From heartwarming romances to intense action-packed adventures, there's sure to be something for everyone in the world of harem anime...