Best Anime of Spring. The Spring 2023 anime season is well underway, with nearly every title having aired at least...
An anime adaptation for "The Boxer", a popular WEBTOON series with over 160 million views has been announced. The anime...
A Japanese-South Korean anime adaptation of Giun Ryu and Mun Jeong Hoo's "Gosu: The Master" webtoon comic has been announced by Studio N.
The Faraway Paladin's second season, titled The Faraway Paladin: Tetsusabi no Yama no Ou, will premiere during the Fall 2023...
The world and the industries that support it are changing at a rapid pace. Artificial intelligence (AI) has grown in...
Oshi no Ko writer and Kaguya-sama creator Aka Akasaka will start a new manga series titled "Renai Daikou" with art...
After premiering on both Netflix and Ani-One Asia, Oshi no Ko has quickly become one of the most popular anime...
A TV anime adaptation of the Giji-Harem (Pseudo Harem) romantic comedy manga has been announced. A visual has also been...
The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 3 is set to premiere in October. A teaser trailer and key visual...
The anime adaptation of I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness has received its...