"The Eminence in Shadow" revealed a new character trailer for Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, and Eta. It is being animated by...
MAPPA finally revealed the highly anticipated second trailer, the cast, and the premiere date for the Chainsaw Man anime adaptation...
If you enjoy the main character explore an unfamiliar world and obliterate his enemies, then you'll love these anime where...
A 2023 release date for the Chained Soldier (Mato Seihei no Slave) anime adaptation has been revealed and also the...
The release date for My Hero Academia season 6 has finally been set. MHA was picked up for a sixth...
There are plenty of great Romance anime out there. But these are the best of the best romance anime of...
Isekai anime tend to be both imaginative (especially with their titles) and fun with loads of interesting stories. Here's the...
Summer 2022 is here and with it, we have a lot of the most anticipated new and returning anime. So,...
If you’re looking to quench your thirst for some mind-boggling anime, we've compiled a list of the best psychological anime...
Meet Kirishima Toru, The New Loid Forger from 'The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting'. He is a tough mobster turned wholesome...