Natsume's Book of Friends, a long-running anime series that debuted in 2008, is getting a seventh season. The announcement of...
The Mashle: Magic and Muscles TV anime production team has announced that a second season will premiere in January 2024.
The main trailer and key visual for the TV anime adaptation of the superhero manga Shy have been released, along...
The Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess manga is getting a TV anime adaptation, it is set to premiere in January 2024....
The Devil is a Part-Timer!! Season 2 has received a new promotional visual ahead of its July 13 Japanese premiere....
The "Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out" anime movie has a new 30-second "theme song PV." The...
The KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! production team has revealed that the upcoming third season will be released...
Miru, a new original anime about "confrontation and harmony between humans and nature," is set to be released in 2024....
A full-length trailer for the upcoming Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc anime adaptation has been released, along with an October release...
The Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba anime is getting a fourth season. The announcement has confirmed that the anime is...