Orion on the Board (Banjou no Orion), the latest manga by Naoshi Arakawa, has begun serialization in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen...
Over the years we have witnessed various strange themes from the Isekai genre. So, here's 10 Strange Isekai Manga That...
Nisekoi: False Love, Naoshi Komi's magnum opus, is set to return with a bonus epilogue set 10 years after the...
Recently a new Isekai manga was released where the main character gets kicked out of his party and buys their...
Is The Manga Actually Better Than The Anime? The answer to this question really depends on personal preference. Manga and...
In this patriarchal society, isn’t it refreshing to see women stand out with their strength? So here are the 25+...
Chainsaw is one of the most popular manga right now and its anime adaptation is just around the corner, here...
For years, people have talked about whether or not Saitama is the strongest character not just in One Punch Man...
As promised, the Black Clover manga has finally returned from its hiatus with an all-new chapter, and Tabata has released...
The all-time great dark fantasy manga 'Berserk' by Kentaro Miura is set to be completed by his colleagues one year...