The Akiba Maid War original anime announced in June, will premiere in Japan on October 6. The show's main trailer and...
The anime adaptation of Farming Life in Another World has received a teaser visual and information about its main cast,...
The anime adaptation of Noumin Kanren No Skill Bakka Agetetara Nazeka Tsuyoku Natta is set to begin in Japan on...
Warner Bros. Japan has released an updated PV trailer for Record of Ragnarok Season 2 that includes character dialogue. New...
Muv-Luv Alternative season two has received its main visual as well as its first trailer, which clocks in at 15...
The release of the Sword Art Online -Progressive- Scherzo of Deep Night movie has been delayed, with the anime's website...
A new key visual and PV trailer has been revealed for the popular slice-of-life action anime series - Lycoris Recoil....
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten anime has released a new teaser visual of the main character Mahiru Shiina frolicking in...
Commander Zavala, Ikora Rey, and the Exo Stranger will disembark to Fortnite from the world of the Guardians, Legends of...
Chiaki Kon will direct the upcoming fantasy anime series Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts, with J.C.STAFF handling animation...