With Halloween just around the corner, it's the ideal time for horror anime to emerge from the shadows. Here are...
Ridiculous anime titles can be extremely insightful or extremely misleading. Nonetheless, these absurd anime titles never fail to make fans laugh.
In this patriarchal society, isn’t it refreshing to see women stand out with their strength? So here are the 25+...
Chainsaw Man has been breaking records even before the release of it's anime adaptation. Here are 15+ Best Anime Like...
Protagonists come in all different sizes and shapes, and many of them are incredibly overpowered. So, let’s take a look...
These isekai anime had great potential but they never got the ending they deserved. Here are 10 Amazing Isekai Anime...
Fans were crushed when Game of Thrones ended three years ago. House of the Dragon is a Game of Thrones...
Korean has provided us with some true gems specially when it comes to Manhwas and, in this case, Web Novels....
One of the most enjoyable aspects of a great anime is watching the main character start out weak, then grow...
A good romance anime can make anyone's heart skip a beat more so with your S/O. So, here are the 10+...